Animation is part of the multimedia world. Multimedia is a combination of multiple media to achieve certain goals. Animation is derived from the Latin is Anima which means giving lives, life, soul and spirit. Animation is a moving picture of the shape of a set of objects (images) may be an image of human, animal, or in writing irregularly arranged to follow the movement that has been determined at each increment count the time that happened. Animation is one that presents computer graphics displays are very attractive which can be displayed in rapid succession to simulate the movement of life. In the multimedia, animation is the use of computers to create movement on the screen. The conclusion of the existing notion that animation, animation realize a technique for creating an audio and visual works based on the timing and image.
Funny Animation Picture Spongebob |
Multimedia gateway to create a variety of images, animations, and also clipart that can keep everyone interested. Animation in Multimedia Clipart tersiptanya make many funny, funny animations, and also funny pictures. Here are shown some free clipart animation, free animated clipart, and animated pictures.
Gambar Bergerak Spongebob |
The word "animation" is derived from the word "animate," which means to make inanimate objects into lifelike. The basic principle of the experimental results and their training as well as the desire of Disney to think of a way how to make an animated as closely as possible to the real movement of an object be it objects, animals and humans. Twelve Principles of Disney Animation is a set of principles of animation and effort to produce a more realistic animation. The main goal of the principles is to produce the illusion of character to hold on to the basic laws of physics, but they also deal with issues that are more abstract, such an emotional time and attractiveness of character.
Turtle Animated Image |
Animation is a collection of images were processed so as to produce a moving picture. The movement of the image is formed by displaying a sequence of images that change little by little at a high speed, resulting in a static image object that can move like life. Picture of Animation. Animation in a multimedia application promises a more dynamic visual display, can display something impossible or complex in real life and can be realized in the application. For example, if the multimedia application wants to explain a process of natural events such as rain, it may be difficult to dipragakan or proven real, then the presence of multimedia animation then it can be described, presented in the form of moving images as if alive. Animation Picture.
Animation in Multimedia |
In Indonesian, animation synonymous with images and sound. Animated images can also be a moving picture, moving animations, animated images and moving pictures funny. In indonesia language can be called with animasi bergerak lucu, gambar animasi lucu, gambar animasi, animasi bergerak, and animasi gambar bergerak.
Disney Animation Tiger |
Cool Anime